Businesses and holidays do not always mix. So how do you possibly pull yourself away from your crazy, busy business life for two weeks, to have a vacation that you have needed for the last five decades? Just think of all of the things that could go wrong; all of the operational flubs that could go unanswered, all of the poor decisions in which may be taken, all of the accounts, which could be lost. You have climbed every mountain to be a successful small business owner, so you are at this point where now you have to let go, just for a bit. And then, think of all the things that will go right, and how you will get a holiday out of it! But how can you possibly leave company in the hands of your handful of workers as you go mountain climbing?
Because remember, with no work life balance and view that a vacation supplies, you won’t remain an effective executive. Do not feel prepared to take the plunge and revamp your management fashion? To get mentally prepared prior to your next holiday, perhaps take a read of the below top tips to try and understand how to take a little business vacation, whilst not stressing about your own business.
Network before and whilst you are away, and make sure you use a mobile job management system whilst you are on a vacation. Try to get clients acquainted with your proxies. And remember, do not let your email auto-responder be the one to inform your customers who to contact while you are on a two-week pleasure excursion. In the customer contract we make it very clear that my non-equity contractors and partner may get involved; transparency is crucial. Before you leave, try to maximize opportunities for employees and create a virtue of your need to rely on your employees as you are off, by simply asking your employees to perform more. It was great to see people step up and take more responsibility.
Sometimes, you just have to prepare for the worst. Prepare for the worst case whilst on holidays, but make sure you still relax. What is the worst that could happen? Just take this not as a rhetorical question but as a challenge requiring a comprehensive, documented reaction. Businesses all have their ups and downs, and you have to remember this as a life style choice. To keep peace of mind, try to access the business when you are remote through a business management system. If you cannot turn a blind eye on your business whilst on vacation, consider making some arrangements for virtual meetings and remote access to files via wifi or virtual meetings.
If no news is bad news for you, do bring your smartphone but put limits on its usage. Sometimes it is good to check your emails from time to time, but remember that you are on holidays! Make the most of it while you can.
Try to do a post-mortem. Debrief your staff and review yourself to ensure your next holiday is much more successful. Your small business vacation away from the company gives you the opportunity to learn a few big lessons.
Naturally, it is hard to envision your bootstrapped enterprise carrying on while the owner (you) is taking a well deserved holiday. When you have got your own company, it is tough to let go. But it becomes more comfortable as time passes. You are on holiday, try to make the most of it, and trust the people you have hired to carry out the jobs that need to be done.